Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Wedding planning
Hard at work indeed. I got that drink in my hand from a place where I completely missed a very pertinent sign:

Chris also joined in the hard work. We had to go to Biloxi, MS so that we could hear our wedding band play (it's just a 2 hour drive from Pensacola). Before we headed home we did some decompressing...hearing bands play is very stressful.

Finally, back in New Orleans yet again working up an appetite:

July ride
View to the right (note the gorgeous water in the background):
Straight ahead:
And to the left:
You can't really see it but there is water right over on the other side that little sandy dune. I caught a picture of myself (:
An unobstructed view of the Gulf of Mexico:
We stopped at a place in Navarre Beach to refuel our bellies:
What I wouldn't do to be back there... This picture is taken from the back deck facing the Santa Rosa Sound:
We got back on the road, and I caught a couple of sunset shots:
I think this should clear up any questions about why I say I loved Pensacola and miss it dearly... Is it almost time to retire?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Everything is happening so fast!! :)
8/25 Addendum: a very special congratulatory video from our dear, dear friend Hope.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Wedding MooMoo

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010
Another typical weekend in Pensacola

So, the "'Bama" as Chris so affectionately refers to it is the Flora-Bama. A huge beach bar on the Alabama-Florida state line which actually really reminds me of the Starboard in Dewey Beach. Famous for being home of the famous Interstate Mullet Toss where individuals on the beach literally throw a mullet from Alabama into Florida. The best charity event I've ever heard of. :) Anyway, it seems as though Chris and his friends have adopted the ritual of Friday nights at the 'Bama for $3 beers, which I got to experience. Again. :) Proof:

Saturday morning, we went for a long run (about 4.5 miles) and then headed to Pensacola Beach with a cooler full of beer for the inaugural beach trip of the season (well, for me anyway).

It's really hard to be apart, but with weekends like this, it's really hard to complain.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Mardi Gras tradition!
This year I tried to "color-coordinate" Chris's and my beads but he complained of getting too many of the share. You can kind of tell with his blue-green-gold collection. :) Ha! Who color-coordinates Mardi Gras?!?
Chris's jets
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
A Tale of 6 Cats. And a Dog.
Ozzy? Osbourne? All I know is that there are two cats named as such, and they look exactly alike, minus the fact that one is fat and one is not. This one is not fat. But I still don't know which is which. Here's the fat one:
Obviously he has earned the affectionate nickname "Fatty." I love calling him that. Can't get enough of it.
This one's my favorite: her name is Precious. But she acts like she doesn't give two craps about me. Maybe that's why I like her so much.
My second favorite: TomTom. He's more affectionate than ANY cat I've ever met. ANY. So affectionate that he gets upset if you're petting him and you make the motion to get up to leave. He shows his displeasure by grabbing you with his paws (claws included). So no quick motions!!
This is the best pictures I have of Bucky (the orange one in the back). That sucker was on a mission to NOT get his pictures taken.
This one's KitKat. Mmmmmm, my favorite candy bar... Alas she wants nothing to do with me either. But I'm OK with that.
And then there's the dog. Bridget. Such a cutie. She's a chatterbox. Talks more than all the people in my family put together. (OK, maybe minus Wayne.) Her voice is high and despite all attempts to understand her, I have no idea what she's talking about. But she still tries.
In full effect with a cat butt in the way. I never thought I would care enough about cats to even take pictures them. It's kind of like how I feel about children. I have a soft spot for them, but I am GRATEFUL that they aren't mine. :)